Growing a Farmer 2

Now that we have finished "Growing the Farmer" book, I can make conclusions about this piece and how the author, Kurt Timmermeister, approached it. There were parts that drew me in, but there were also some chapters that either pushed me away as a reader or that I did not quite "feel." 

My favorite chapter was on fowls. I found this chapter particularly special. When I was little, I would spend every summer at my aunt’s, who lived far from my hometown and my family. Every time I’d go there, the journey would feel different, yet similar to the previous ones: similar roads, yet grownup me. My aunt would send her son and me to collect chicken eggs every morning and evening, which became almost a ritual to me. The ritual became special to me because of my childhood memories associated with it. For example, one time I entered a room to collect eggs and a cook scared me away. And now, Timmermeister explains in his book the little details about his fowls. I did not know until know that fowls tend to be aggressive in their pack, when they pick on each other. Those very details struck me now and take me back to my childhood to careless childhood moments of collecting chicken eggs. After reading this particular chapter on fowls, I looked at my childhood summers spent with my aunt from a different angle.


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